About Us

Eire Dialogue (registered as EMERALD ISLE DIALOGUE COMPANY LIMITEY BY GUARANTEE) started its volunteer activities in 2010 and officially established in Dublin in 2021 with the aim of advancing social cohesion by connecting communities, empowering people to engage and contributing to the development of ideas on dialogue and community building. It does this by bringing people together through discussion forums, courses, capacity building publications and outreach. It operates nation-wide with regional branches across the Ireland It was founded by Irish Muslims of multi cultural backgrounds inspired by the teachings and example of Muslim scholar and peace advocate Fethullah Gülen. Eire Dialogue is not a religious or ethnic organisation. It aims to facilitate dialogue on a whole range of social issues, regardless of any particular faith or religion. It stands for democracy, human rights, the non-instrumentalisation of religion in politics, equality and freedom of speech.


Who We Are ?

Eire Dialogue is directed by a team of committed staff and volunteers who have a proven track record of working within the community. The team’s expertise is complemented by the input of the Eire Dialogue Board of Advisors, a distinguished group of people who between them represent a very wide range of expertise and experience. Eire Dialogue derives its funding from private donations from local business people and professionals, which is testament to its support at the grassroots community level where its work is clearly valued. It achieves a remarkably high level of output in relation to its relatively small budget due to the support of committed volunteers.


Our Approach

 Defining Dialogue

At Eire Dialogue, we understand dialogue to consist of meaningful interaction and exchange between people of different groups (social, cultural, political and religious) who come together through various kinds of conversations or activities with a view to increased understanding.


Areas of Interest

Eire Dialogue is interested in facilitating dialogue on the following areas of interest: Dialogue theories and practice Community cohesion and multiculturalism Family, education and youth Media, culture and communication Human rights and civil liberties World cultures and societies

Our Method 

Eire Dialogue seeks to contribute to social cohesion at three different levels: directly bringing different social groups together, empowering others to do the same, and contributing to the development of thought on dialogue and community building.

 Target Audience

Overall, Eire Dialogue’s target audience is a proportional cross-section of people from different backgrounds living and working within the regions in which we operate. In addition to bringing people together across cultural and religious lines, we are concerned to bring together people from the following sectors: academia, stakeholders, community and media. The work done by relevant professionals and volunteers within all these sectors can have a significant impact on the character of society. However, while each sector has a role to play in helping society to develop in a cohesive and empathic direction, channels of communication between them can be lacking and they can easily become insular. We aim to bring the different sectors into a creative, constructive dialogue that will inform and enhance the work of all.