Dr Johnston McMaster
Assistant Professor at Irish School of Ecumenics Trinity College Dublin - Member of Council of State of the President of Ireland
Areas of Interest
Eire Dialogue is interested in facilitating dialogue on the following areas of interest: Dialogue theories and practice Community cohesion and multiculturalism Family, education and youth Media, culture and communication Human rights and civil liberties World cultures and societies
Our Method
Eire Dialogue seeks to contribute to social cohesion at three different levels: directly bringing different social groups together, empowering others to do the same, and contributing to the development of thought on dialogue and community building.
Target Audience
Overall, Eire Dialogue’s target audience is a proportional cross-section of people from different backgrounds living and working within the regions in which we operate. In addition to bringing people together across cultural and religious lines, we are concerned to bring together people from the following sectors: academia, stakeholders, community and media.
Women in Academia: Underrepresentation and Discrimination Panel YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6U6MCxwiNM
Prof Pat O'Connor Professor of Sociology and Social Policy, Department of Sociology, University of Limerick